- Why FAIR data matters for Life Science industry
- Use cases to exemplify the benefits of FAIR implementation by Life Science industry
- How-to methods for FAIR tools, training and change management
- Tips for Life Science industry and links to relevant resources
- Data Stewards
- Laboratory Scientists
- Business Analysts
- Science Managers
The Hyve present an approach to making new collaborative scientific research data FAIR in a real time manner on the internet.
- Rapid development of a semantic model expressed as subset of schema.org
- Reusable static web site generator code
Roche embeds data standards and quality checks to harmonize, automate and integrate very heterogeneous and complex processes.
- Self-contained micro services deliver performance and scalability
- Scalable and flexible for data models in clinical and non-clinical
Find out how AstraZeneca deploy a policy for identifiers to construct a FAIR infrastructure across the enterprise.
- A Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) policy for the enterprise
- A pilot server for persistent URIs
Discover how to apply the FAIR Maturity Indicators to measure the REUSABILITY of the data and metadata.
- Reusability of data is compared with your FAIR objectives to identify and make improvements in an iterative manner
Learn how the responsibilities and competencies for data stewardship provides important expert advice and suport for FAIR data management.
- A growing need for data stewardship competences in life science industry
Find out how to apply the FAIR Maturity Indicators to measure the FINDABILITY of the data and metadata.
- Findability of data is compared with your FAIR objectives to identify and make improvements in an iterative manner